На всякий случай, если кто не понял: все это будет на английском!!!! Но если пожеланий перевести будет более чем много, я помучаюсь...

Real Name: Chen Emtato
Birthplace: The Kan tribe, Western Hokkan
Birthdate: August 26
Age: 21 (when he was alive)
Blood Type: O (yea! Another "O" person.)
Height: 184 cm
Sign: Means "dipper/laddle" located on eye.
Family: Unknown.
Powers: Summoning ice snakes, making people freeze...
Likes: Long distance horseback riding
Dislikes: Intruders on the Shinzaho

Hikitsu is one of the two protectors of Genbu no Miko's Shinzaho. Course, that means he's dead, but that doesn't stop him from destroying intruders. He's got an eyepatch over his eye cuz that's where his seishi character is. Weird, huh? Hikitsu's powers, like Tomite's, are related to ice. See, these ice snake things materialize from his palms and then go and bite people, which freezes them. Since him and Tomite aren't main characters in FY, that's about all I know...

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