На всякий случай, если кто не понял: все это будет на английском!!!! Но если пожеланий перевести будет более чем много, я помучаюсь...

Real Name: Tan Chamka
Birthplace: Ha Tribe, in Hokkan.
Birthdate: February 16
Age: 16
Blood Type: O (wow! Another "O" person.)
Sign: Means "emptiness" located on back.
Family: Has family. No info on them, though.
Powers: Shooting ice arrows, energy that squeezes people. =)
Likes: Hunting
Dislikes: Intruders of the Shinzaho

Tomite is the other protector of the Genbu Shinzaho on Mount Black, and personally, I like him better than Hikitsu. His spells are pretty cool. He shoots ice arrows with his bow, and then there's thing other spell that's a green ring of energy, which squeezes the person much like a boa constructer and then cuts them in half. He's also friendly, which probably means he's an aquarious. Tomite's awesome! (And he's got a really nice voice. Come to think of it, Hikitsu has a really nice voice too. =) Umm... That's all I know about him. To bad there's so little info. To hear the Genbu seishi's part in FY, click here.

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