На всякий случай, если кто не понял: все это будет на английском!!!! Но если пожеланий перевести будет более чем много, я помучаюсь...

Real Name: Hahmu Lanva
Birthdate: August 26
Age: Over 100
Blood Type: O (yea! Another "O" person.)
Height: 184 cm
Sign: Means "stide" located on cheeck.
Family: Wife, Subaru, and adopted daughter Xifang.
Powers: Teleportation, pressure points, and other stuff.
Likes: Drooling over pretty girls. =)
Dislikes: I dunno...

Tokaki is another awesome character in FY. He's really powerful. In fact, he was once Tamahome's sensei. He himself is probably a really expert martial artists, (well, he *did* teach Tamahome for a while, so he's gotta be pretty good...) and has control over teleportation, which is pretty cool. Also, he knows pressure points and can use his earrings as weapons. In his first appearance, he is really old, but his wife Subaru turned back their age clocks to when they were in their twenties or something so that they could help the Suzaku seishi. (Notice how everyone helps the Suzaku and not the Seiryuu?) Tokaki is....Seriously perverted. His favorite pastime is checking out chicks walking by from a tree or something. Good thing he married a tolerable and pretty wife. =)

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