На всякий случай, если кто не понял: все это будет на английском!!!! Но если пожеланий перевести будет более чем много, я помучаюсь...

Real Name: Hamu Doulin
Birthdate: February 16
Age: 107
Blood Type: O (wow! Another "O" person.)
Sign: Means "rise" located on breast
Family: Husband, Tokaki, and adopted daugher Xifang.
Powers: Control over time.
Likes: Not quite sure...
Dislikes: Also not quite sure...

Subaru is Tokaki's wife. At first, she's a nice but old and sorta fat lady. She has control over time, which is pretty useful. Later, at the urging of her husband to bring aid to the Suzaku, she turns back the time on her and her husband, making them nice and young. =) She turns out to look like a character from Sailor Moon (well, IMO.) Strange fact: her seiyuu is the seiyuu for Queen Serenity in Sailor Moon! Subaru is kinda tolerant towards her husband. Well, she's pretty when she's young, so no need to worry that much. (Tokaki's first words after his wife turned them back to their twenties was "SEXY HONEY!!") Subaru's also pretty cool. =)

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